Aussie trip

When people found out I was coming to Australia for 3 months, they said what are you going to do about your health?! My answer was always the same, "I will deal with it when I get home". I think I knew at the time that was a very naive thing to say, but a girl can dream and hope for the best, right?! Of course I knew how these things go really. You can never tell when your next flare up is going to be, and you definitely can't control it. I just didn't want to think about how it could impact my trip. It was a big enough thing for me to do without considering my health side of things too. Plus I'm always so adamant that it doesn't control my life so I wasn't willing to let it be part of my plans for my huge exciting adventure. I've been in Melbourne two and a half weeks now and unfortunately, my body hasn't given me that dream, not even a little bit of it! In actual fact my pain levels have been the worst that they have been in the while. I guess ...