Finding the courage to say…"I'm struggling"

As many of you know, this year I embarked on a new challenge and moved from Essex in the UK to sunny Sydney, Australia. It was a huge thing for me to do being so close to my family and friends back home, but I knew it was something I wanted to do for myself. However, I didn't count on there being a global pandemic whilst I did it! A few weeks ago I was given the opportunity to have an article published at work about my experience of moving to the other side of the world during COVID. It turned into a featured piece titled 'Finding the courage to say... "I'm struggling". I was a little wary of the article being published to the entire firm but it was open and honest. Two things I always want to be. And hey, what was the worst that was going to happen?! Turns out, I had no need to worry and I have received wonderful feedback. The article has had over 1000 views, many likes and several comments. I've had emails and phone calls from people I had never even hear...