30th June

It was the day I had been waiting for, and as my phone rang with a familiar number, my tummy churned and I quickly answered. "Hello" "Hello is that Amy Hook?" "Yes speaking" "Hi Amy, I'm calling from the Gynaecology department at Colchester Hospital, I have a date for your operation.". As many of you know, I have been on the wait list for a hysterectomy with excision of endometriosis since last June. It's been a long wait but one that I knew I had to be patient with. In my mind, I thought the end of the year or maybe even the beginning of next year was most likely for the op. I had plenty of time. So when the lady went on to say "Is the 30th June okay for you?" I was left a little speechless and I found myself simply replying with "Wow, so soon?!". So here I am 4 days later, and 5 weeks out from the operation, writing my next blog post whilst on a plane home from a few days in Berlin for work. I feel so many emotions ...