
I'm lacking my inspiration and motivation today. I didn't sleep well last night and so I'm tired. But on this freezing cold Monday morning, I saw that my blog had gone even more Global. Thanks to Endometriosis Awareness on Facebook, my blog was seen by so many more of you Endo Warriors and their families. So firstly, hi! And thank you for taking the time to come and read my story.

I thought I'd give an update on how I'm feeling since my injection. Its a week tomorrow until I get my next Prostap injection which means I'm 3 weeks into the cycle. The pain has eased since the first couple of weeks but I'm still struggling more than I was before the injection. Though according to the nurse that is to be expected. I'm a little anxious about the next one. On top of the horrendous pain, the first bought on a water infection which caused more pain and discomfort. But hopefully that won't happen again. My moods aren't too bad, although I am a little less tolerant than I was before. I think the HRT is keeping that at bay... and me recognising the signs of it I guess! As mentioned above, I'm not sleeping well and am feeling extremely tired, especially in the afternoons. That said, I am trying to keep positive about the next injection and I will of course keep you in the loop of my progress.

On a side note, I had a lovely weekend of laughter with my bestie and another close friend. Plus I got back to a personal training session yesterday in the gym. Although I am paying for that today. I used to enjoy the DOMs after a session but now it just seems to make the endo/ade pain worse. Do any of you find that exercise worsens your pain or is it just me?!

That's all from me today. Remember, you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

A x


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