Post Prostap Update

I haven't given an update recently on how I'm feeling now I'm no longer on the Prostap injections. Well Ladies, I was due my next injection last Tuesday and without it I'm pleased to report my Endo pain appears to be holding at bay. In fact I'm starting to sleep a little better and I'm starting to feel more like my old self again.

What works for one person may not work for another. I was given the Prostap to help my pain, but for me it looks like it made it worse. I know we have to try these various medications and procedures. And yes it is trial and error, after all nothing is guaranteed to help. But no wonder this disease is such a rollercoaster ride! We get our hopes up when we hear that something may help ease the day to day struggle. And so when it doesn't work it makes it so much harder to stomach.

Please don't let it it put you off though. We've all got to jump on that rollercoaster. Because one of those options may help us, even if it doesn't help someone else.

I wanted to finish this post with a giggle so below is a pic of the Bestie and I trying out a new clay face mask tonight. Smiling and laughing, the best way to end the day.

A x


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