
It was two weekends ago that my pain was even worse than usual. It had been building for over a week and so reluctantly I gave in and made an appointment at my GP surgery on the Sunday morning. I went in and was checked over. Nothing unusual was found but I was advised to get back to my gynae as soon as possible and an internal scan was requested to see what was going on. I was sent away with 100 codeine tablets and 84 anti sickness pills. I was definitely going to rattle! With the shed load of pills, I was also given the advice that if the pain got worse to go straight to A&E. Well, 4 hours later thats where my sister and I were sitting. Great. Just where everybody wants to be on a Sunday night!

We spent 5 hours at the hospital. I was checked over again and had bloods taken. It was busy as always. Just before they were going to get a gynae consultant to see me, they asked for a urine test. Now I had done one at the doctors in the morning but I obliged naturally. Just as well they did as the sample came back with blood, protein and nitrates which was a good indication that I had a water infection on top of my normal endo/adeno pain. With that discovery, I was sent away with a course of antibiotics (more pills!), but still with the advice to get back to my consultant as soon as I could.

Monday morning I chased up the hospital about getting back in as soon as possible. I heard back a couple of days later, and it wasn't the news I wanted, or needed. There was nothing available before my scheduled appointment in June. Another blow. How was I going to get through another few months like this? Could I even make it to June? The answer to myself was simply, I don't know.

Luckily I've got access to the Endo nurse who really does her best to help where she can and she pulled through again. After speaking with her and sending over a huge email with all my latest symptoms, a week later I got a call whilst at work saying they could get me in two weeks earlier than the original appointment. The only issue was that I would have to be seen in the early pregnancy clinic instead of the usual gynae clinic. Not the best, but a small sacrifice in order to get in sooner, and one that I was willing to accept. I also found out that I am being referred for a second opinion before a hysterectomy can be scheduled due to my age which is understandable and actually reassuring. Along with that, Monday morning, I can expect some leaflets through the post on hysterectomies and what the procedures involve. Oh how I can't wait for the postman to arrive...

And so its all set, exactly one week after my 28th birthday, I will be going in to speak about getting a hysterectomy and the next steps involved. Just writing those words makes it all seem very real. I've known this has been on the cards for a good few years. I guess I had hoped I had more time. But its happening. And my heart breaks a thousand times over, again. And again. And again.

Its tough. Oh so tough.

A x


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