Operation Number 4

It didn't take long for me to be back here writing about my next operation. It only feels like last week that I was going through recovery from my last one. Its actually been 15 months since then but that certainly doesn't feel long enough to be facing another nerve wrecking encounter at my least favourite place! However, 4 weeks tomorrow I shall be doing exactly that. It marks my fourth operation in the last 5 years. This time I am going in for a cystoscopy with hydrodistention. For those who have just said what's that, its a procedure where they put a camera in the bladder, and then use fluid to stretch the bladder. Why am I having this lovely sounding op you ask, well its primarily to see if I have another chronic condition called Interstitial Cystitis which could be contributing to my daily pain. if I am diagnosed its another step to managing my pain before committing to the final hysterectomy. Whilst potentially adding another condition to my brok...