Operation Number 4

It didn't take long for me to be back here writing about my next operation. It only feels like last week that I was going through recovery from my last one. Its actually been 15 months since then but that certainly doesn't feel long enough to be facing another nerve wrecking encounter at my least favourite place! However, 4 weeks tomorrow I shall be doing exactly that. It marks my fourth operation in the last 5 years. This time I am going in for a cystoscopy with hydrodistention. For those who have just said what's that, its a procedure where they put a camera in the bladder, and then use fluid to stretch the bladder. 

Why am I having this lovely sounding op you ask, well its primarily to see if I have another chronic condition called Interstitial Cystitis which could be contributing to my daily pain. if I am diagnosed its another step to managing my pain before committing to the final hysterectomy. Whilst potentially adding another condition to my broken list is slightly depressing, just simply knowing what else could be contributing to the pain does bring some relief. The stretching of the bladder is also done to see if it can release any tension in the organ and surrounding areas. Have you ever been really cold and you notice yourself hunching and holding your shoulders up, then when you get warm your shoulders drop and you relax? Its only then you notice how tense you were and that actually it was quite uncomfortable and sore. Or how about when you're feeling stressed and nervous before doing something, like a job interview or a hospital appointment, and then after the event, you relax and your body feels light and less heavy again? The same principle applies to various parts of the body. However, over time, if you live with continuous chronic pain, the muscles can remain in that tense state and never fully relax. This can cause a build up of pain. Therefore, by stretching the bladder, they hope to allow it to relax and release any tension that it may be holding on to. Its not a permanent fix but it will enable us to see if it does provide any relief, and seeing as we're scrapping the bottom of the barrel, we've really got nothing to lose with trying at this point.

Luckily, whilst it is done under general anaesthetic, I should (fingers crossed) be out of hospital within the day with a much quicker recovery time of a week. Not at all bad compared to my last 7 week recovery at home. However, I shall be packing an overnight bag just in case based on my last few operations, perhaps if I'm prepared this time, I won't need it!! I'd love a simple operation for once!! 

In other news, I am now on daily medication for pain management. I am currently taking Amitriptyline every night. Some of you may know this as an anti depressant, but its more commonly used for chronic pain management in lower doses. Its early days but it seems to have taken the edge off slightly, and if nothing else, I haven't felt any worse on it so that's a bonus. It can take a couple of months to build to its full potential so I'll persevere and see what happens.

No doubt I shall keep you all posted with how it all goes in 4 weeks, I might even throw in a traditional hospital post operation picture. Because, well, why not!

A x


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