Post Op Update

The Friday before last, I woke up with that all too recognisable feeling of nerves and dread, it could only mean one thing, it was operation day! This time I was going in for an urology procedure as opposed to my usual gynaecology. The purpose of the operation was to investigate any potential issues with my bladder that could be contributing to my ongoing pain. The procedure included having a camera inserted into the bladder, having some biopsies taken and finally something called hydrodistention which is checking the capacity that the bladder can hold and the stretching of the bladder if required. There was a small hope that it would delay the need for a hysterectomy quite so soon. If they found anything abnormal, this could explain the pain, and could potentially be managed via other means. And of course, I was more than happy to oblige if it meant holding off on the big op. We got to the hospital for 7.15am and made our way to the day unit. I felt sick at the thought of my previou...