Post Op Update

The Friday before last, I woke up with that all too recognisable feeling of nerves and dread, it could only mean one thing, it was operation day! This time I was going in for an urology procedure as opposed to my usual gynaecology. The purpose of the operation was to investigate any potential issues with my bladder that could be contributing to my ongoing pain. The procedure included having a camera inserted into the bladder, having some biopsies taken and finally something called hydrodistention which is checking the capacity that the bladder can hold and the stretching of the bladder if required. There was a small hope that it would delay the need for a hysterectomy quite so soon. If they found anything abnormal, this could explain the pain, and could potentially be managed via other means. And of course, I was more than happy to oblige if it meant holding off on the big op.

We got to the hospital for 7.15am and made our way to the day unit. I felt sick at the thought of my previous operations. None of the 3 had gone according to plan and that was very firmly at the forefront of my mind. Mum and Dad were at my side as always but as I got into my gown and stockings (my fav things!) it was all becoming very real and the nerves increased. After an hour and a half, I was on the bed and being taken to theatre. I absolutely hate the moment that I say goodbye to my parents and get wheeled away. It never gets any easier, and I'm not sure it ever will. Luckily for me the surgical team were fantastic, and albeit a poor start with my cannular not behaving in the back of my hand and having to switch to my other wrist, I went off to sleep without a hitch, well as far as I know anyway!

Just over an hour later I was awake in recovery. I was very quickly taken back to the ward and offered the usual food and drink. Mum was waiting for me with a smile on her face. She's always the first person I see and recognise after my operations, and it makes a huge difference. You're never too old to need your Mum I say!! I felt pretty good all things considered, just the usual nausea but even that was minimal now they adjust my anaesthetic based on previous experiences. However, the next hurdle was going for a wee and that was an entirely different matter. Oh my goodness, the pain!! Not hugely surprising but I'm not sure I had prepared myself for that either!! Apart from this, which was deemed normal, I was all set and discharged within an hour of being back on the ward. Yes Amy! You've set a new record AND it all went smoothly, who would have thought!! A small win for team Amy.

So did they find anything you may be wondering. In short, no they didn't. My bladder looked normal on the camera and it was able to hold a litre of fluid which is pretty good for a little person. Not that anyone would be able to hold that much if they were awake may I add! Biopsies will be sent away and I have a follow up appointment in mid May to discuss the findings further. Some may be thinking its a positive that it looked normal, and whilst a big part of me does agree (because I definitely don't need anything else to add to the list!!) at the same time, the other part of me knows even more so now that the pain is more than likely caused by the Adeno, which is still pointing me to the hysterectomy I so desperately don't want to have. Its been on the cards for a while now, I know, but the idea still doesn't get any easier to get my head around.

That brings me to the now. I am a week and a half post op, and unfortunately I've had two trips back to the doctors since the operation. I'm still in a fair amount of discomfort and popping painkillers every few hours to try give myself some relief. I'm at that annoying stage where I feel fine in myself, but my body is saying otherwise. Whilst most people who have a cystoscopy recover within a week or so, the pain can hang around for a few weeks longer and it looks like I'm in that bracket. I've been signed off for another week but I am hoping to head back to work sooner. A distraction is never a bad thing after all and quite frankly, I am getting a little bored!!

So that's operation number 4 done and dusted. No relief from this one this time but another box checked. As always a massive thank you for all the support from family and friends. I couldn't do it without you all!

Lots of love
A x


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