Here we go again!

At the end of last year, I decided I couldn’t wait another 5 months to discuss my latest MRI results in person. I had received a letter saying the adenomyosis was more prominent and for me that was all the confirmation I needed. I wasn’t imagining it, the pain was getting worse and I needed something to be done.

I should start by saying I recognise how lucky I am. Not everyone can afford to go private for treatment, especially as a self funding patient. I knew it was going to be pricy but I was at the end of my tether and just needed help. So within a week of enquiring, I was booked in for a consultancy appointment at The Oaks hospital in Colchester knowing I was going to be £180 lighter for a 20 min conversation. Ouch. But hopefully a worthy conversation!

Fortunately I was able to see my normal consultant from the NHS privately. However, I was concerned he wouldn’t recognise me or know any of my history, after all he sees hundreds of thousands of women a time, why would he remember me! But shortly after arriving, I saw Mr W walk across the reception area and as he passed me he simply said “be with you in a moment Amy” ah ha!! He does know me! And that’s all I needed to relax.

The conversation was the same as we’ve had time and time again. Mr W didn’t have access to my NHS records but we were able to discuss the details I had memorised over the years and get to an all too familiar place. The bottom of the barrel. Mr W doesn’t give up, and for that he is amazing. But I’m a realist and I’m tired. How much longer do we need to revisit the same ground?

I left the hospital with a couple of options, albeit not new options. In all honesty it just feels like we’re spinning the wheel, but this time with a huge price tag attached. Another 6 months of injections, £341 a month. A laporoscopy to check the MRI results are correct est £6220 + bloods, up to £250 + follow up appt £120. All of this ultimately to dot all the i's and cross all the t’s for the hysterectomy (that’ll be more like £8k!). How much money???

So where is my head at 2 weeks later? Well tomorrow I start my third round of injections, which means at 31 years old I will be entering my third menopause. Most women only have that luxury once in life, so does that make me greedy!? I have my NHS follow up with Mr W in April when I should have seen some effect from the injections if they are going to work. That should then shape next steps for the hysterectomy and give solid odds as to whether it will help. If the injections have no effect, the chances of that op helping drops to 50%. In the meantime, I’m on the wait list on the NHS for my op, which with current wait times could be up to 18 months or more. That gives me more time to consider the private operation but my brain needs a little more time on that one… understandably!

My body continues to challenge me, not only physically but mentally too. I’ve hit a bit of a brick wall over the last couple of weeks, I’m not afraid to admit I’ve been struggling and there’s been more lows than highs. I am trying to remain optimistic that the injections give some relief, but I also know it will take some time. This isn’t my first rodeo after all. But what other choice do I have?

A x


  1. I just came across your blog from the post on the Colchester hospital Instagram. I am also under the care of the wonderful MR W having been diagnosed with Endo and Adeno. Thank you for sharing your story, this gives me hope xx


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