Negativity vs Positivity

I woke up early today and as usual read the Endo stories and questions on the forums on Facebook. I'm not sure why but today in particular everything seemed really negative. And instead of feeling better after reading some of the posts, I felt worse.

I've always said that if I were to write a blog, I didn't want it to all be negative. Yes there will always be some negativity, after all, its a chronic disease that causes nothing but pain. But I wanted to be the person who tried to find the positives in the darkest times.

When you're feeling low, its always so much harder to find the good things about your day. Its all too easy to focus on the pain that you're experiencing. Or the prang in the car park you've had this week causing unnecessary outgoings to fix the car. Or the glass of squash you spilt over the booth seats in the break out area at work. (Yes they have all happened to me this week before you ask!).

But you've got to remember all the positives too, no matter how small. Whether its waking up with a roof over your head and having clean clothes to put on. Or whether its speaking to a friend or family member about nothing or everything. Or whether its simply laughing at something funny during the day.

This disease may feel like it takes over your life at times. And it may stop you from doing some of the things you want. But you still have things to be grateful for. So always try to remember those things and focus on them. They will be what get you through the tough times. Because something has to.

A x


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