Unexpected Hospital Visit

Firstly, I know I've been a bit slack with my posts in the last week or so but I haven't been feeling my best.

It started on Saturday. I mentioned in my post that I was struggling wth the pain and spent a large amount of the weekend under my blanket with a hot water bottle. It was deemed a water infection and I was prescribed 7 days of antibiotics.

Well yesterday I left work at lunch because I was still feeling poorly. My head was pounding and I felt sick. I thought it was all to do with the water infection so when I woke up in even more pain today it started to ring alarm bells.

I rang my Doctors first thing and got an appointment with a Nurse at 10am. Luckily for me, my Ma came to pick me up. My symptoms had changed since the weekend. I had a particularly bad pain in my lower right abdomen, low into the groin. I had generalised pain across my tummy and in my back/sides. I also felt very sick.

Upon arrival at the Doctors, the Nurse stated that due to my symptoms and the fact my urine sample from Sunday showed no infection, I needed to be seen by a Doctor. So I sat and waited.

Once I got through to the Doctor he instantly took me seriously and assessed my symptoms. He then got on the phone to the Gynae Registrar at the hospital. It was then I was told to get to the hospital to see the Emergency Gynaecologist. Well that was a surprise! I certainly wasn't expecting that. But off we went.

I spent an hour or two getting prodded and poked by the Doctors. Talking and being assessed. The delights of an internal examination and the wonderful swobs. More samples and blood tests taken. But nothing was found. The Doctors have put me in for an ultrasound in case I have developed any new cysts on my right hand side, but it was suspected that the Endo has just started to infiltrate the right hand side more, causing the worsened pain.

I already knew it was worse on the left hand side and thats also where I have a 4cm cyst on my left ovary. So to now hear it is attacking the right hand side is like music to my ears. NOT.

I was released armed with more codeine and the advice to monitor the pain, and if it gets worse to get myself to A&E. So back to the sofa with my blanket and hot water bottle it is.

Its frustrating coming away with no further answers but I just hope I start to see an improvement and fast. This pain, this life, its starting to wear me down, and quite quickly. This isn't the life I imagined for myself...

A x


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