Rough couple of days...

Day 4 of migraine and day 10 of having a headache. The left hand side of my head has taken quite a battering over the last 4 days. And I'm still struggling. I must rattle with the amount of pills I've taken to try and ease this migraine. I've lived in my glasses that  I usually only wear at work when I'm working at the computer screen. What a nightmare its been!

Its not just the feeling unwell thats annoying. On Friday I was due to have my next set of braces from the Orthodontist but with the migraine they didn't want to do the prep work that was required. Now I'm already 4 weeks behind schedule for my teeth which is frustrating.

It also means another weekend out of the gym, which makes it 3 weeks out of doing something I enjoy. Not helping my mood!

And to top it off today I was due to be at the London Marathon with my family and bestie. Instead I'm home watching it on the TV whilst on the sofa and my family are there enjoying themselves.

I've spoken about the frustration with this disease so many times but I cannot say it enough and cannot ever put across just how frustrating it is. I can only hope it improves as soon as possible.

A x


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