Waiting waiting waiting...

Waiting for a hospital appointment is like waiting for rain in a drought. I had my last Consultant appointment on 6th December 2016. It was decided then that I would be put in for the Endometriosis excision surgery.

Since then, I've been taken in as Emergency Gynaecology and had a scan which shows an extended bowel. Still I have no dates in the diary for surgery. So when I spoke to a nurse about my scan results last week I asked for some idea of times.

"Well if you want an appointment with your Consultant, its looking like after August. For your surgery, it will be October, November or December".

I got my Consultant appointment through.... 8th September. Nothing for the surgery. Its looking like it'll be a year since being put forward for the surgery before I get it! How ridiculous!!

I think there are multiple things that make having this disease hard. The pain, of course. The mental impact of dealing with a chronic illness. And the frustration. The frustration that you're in this position. The frustration of not doing what you want when you want. The frustration that life isn't going to be how you thought it was. And the frustration of waiting. Waiting for appointments, surgeries.... and a cure!

Oh well. I guess I'll just keep waiting. After all, good things come to those who wait... right?!

A x


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