Post Operation Update

Wow. Has it really been a week already since my operation?! OK so yes I am feeling it but I honestly don't know where that time has gone. But I promised I would give you all an update on what has happened etc so let me start from the beginning...

Bowel prep. Yes thats where I am going to start. And yes it really was as horrendous as I was expecting. Naturally seeing as it wasn't a pleasant experience, they make you go through the process twice. So Wednesday night, I hid myself away and again on Thursday morning at 5am I did the same. Theres not much more to say on the subject apart from I don't want to see another enema for a very VERY long time.

I got to the hospital at 7am on the Thursday morning. Nervous and anxious for what the day was to hold, my parents and sister accompanied me to my place on the ward. I eventually had a nurse come and see me to start the process of getting ready, and before I knew it I was in my gown, with my stockings on, waving goodbye to my family and being wheeled off to surgery. The last thing I remember was the nurse telling me it was 8.35am and then bam, I was awake again! I was taken back to the ward at 2.15pm. Its so weird how you just lose that 6 hours! I have moments that I remember for the rest of Thursday but it was very much a blur. I can't recall certain conversations and more worryingly, messages that I sent loved ones saying I was OK. I woke with 5 incisions, including a drain coming out of my abdomen draining blood and fluid from my pelvic area. I also had a catheter in place and I was hooked up to fluids and medication through a cannula in my hand. It wasn't unexpected and actually I was relieved to see that I hadn't woken with a stoma which was a possibility.

In my update from the surgeon, he said they have removed a lot of the Endometriosis from within my pelvic area. My right ovary was stuck to my pelvic wall with a cyst and my bowel was also stuck with a nodule to the back wall which has been cleared. According to my discharge notes, my Pouch of Douglas has been "obliterated" which was where a lot of the new growth was found. My consultant said it was a successful surgery and that my womb was looking healthier than when he saw it in 2015, despite knowing that it has worsened. He still says I'll need the hysterectomy but its just a case of when now. Hopefully this surgery will give me some time before I have to face that.

I spent 2 nights in hospital and was discharged on Saturday lunchtime. I had a minor setback on Tuesday when it was confirmed I have a water infection from having the catheter in for 24 hours. But that just means I'm now on a weeks course of antibiotics. They do make me feel rotten though which I don't really need. I've been at home recovering and recuperating for the rest of the time. My dressings have come off today so I'm looking a bit battered and bruised but its another small step in the recovery process. Considering I have been through major surgery I've been feeling surprisingly alright!

I wouldn't have been able to make it through the last week without my family and friends support. I've received so many lovely messages, cards and flowers which have meant so much. But I want to say a particular thank you to my Mum, Dad, sister and best friend. Mum, Dad and Laura, you were by my side every chance you could be at the hospital. You continue to go out of your way to get me what I need and I truly couldn't have done the last week without you. You are my rocks and I am the luckiest girl in the world to call you my family. Thank you. I love you. And to my bestie, Becky. You have been absolutely amazing in the last week. You have gone above and beyond your duties as my friend to take care of me. Never did I expect you to have to shower me when I was too weak, or dress me when I was too sore to move. But you did and you have and for that I will be forever grateful. Please just forget everything you saw so I can regain some dignity haha. Seriously, thank you. I love you. And once again thank you to all others who have sent well wishes and checked in with me, it has been much appreciated.

Now its time for more rest. I've attached some pics below of of hospital stay and my wounds for anyone who likes gross stuff!

A x


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