Recovery Update

Two and a half weeks post op and I feel worse than I did when I wrote my last post a week after surgery. They always say recovery is a rollercoaster and it certainly has its ups and downs. This week I've been struggling with intense cramps that make me just want to curl up in a ball, and pounding headaches that make me want to bury my head under a pillow. Its been particularly frustrating seeing as my physical wounds are healing very well and I'm now able to walk around normally, rather than being scared that the slightest wrong movement could reopen an incision. That said I have managed to venture out for an hour here and there to catch up with family and friends to stop myself from going completely mad from cabin fever. Although laying under a blanket, with the cats, watching Christmas films by the Christmas tree lights hasn't been too much of a hardship with how I've been feeling.

I know I'm still healing after major surgery but its hard not to worry that the pain I'm experiencing is just part of my normal Endo and Adeno pain. That of course would suggest the op hasn't made any difference. I know I shouldn't think that way but sometimes its hard to remain positive, especially when it could be a real possibility. Some days its hard to accept that this is how life is always going to be. Thats the reality of living with an incurable disease. You start to wonder how many more surgeries you'll have to go through, and how much time you'll end up spending on the sofa rather than doing the things you want. Its just part of the ongoing battle we have with ourselves, not only physically but mentally too.

To add to the above, my social media has been filled with peoples babies and children in the run up to Christmas. Bumps, new arrivals or just quality family time. Most days I don't bat an eyelid at it, but it seems to be hitting home a little harder in the last few days. I'm going to blame the hormones obviously, but its hard, ya know. Some days it just gets you. And thats okay. It'll pass, it always does...

ANYWAY, thats enough from me, just a quick update on recovery progress. I hope you're all enjoying the festivities and looking forward to Christmas. Speak soon.

A x


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