Happy Birthday to me!

10th May can only mean one thing, it's my birthday! And what a birthday it's been. For the first time in years I decided to work my birthday. It wasn't all bad as my team took the time  and effort to decorate my desk with LED lit balloons, a banner and a huge badge! They're a good bunch and I hope they know how much it brightened my day.

This evening I've been to Miller & Carter with my family and bestie. Wow! What a meal. But damn am I paying for it right now. I knew deep down eating a steak was gonna become a regret but I wanted to treat myself, after all if you can't treat yourself on your birthday when can you! But within 30 minutes I was in cramping hell! By the time I got home I felt sick and my stomach was absolutely screaming at me. It's not the best way to end the day but the food was pretty amazing so it was kinda worth it!

Thank you to everyone who gave me wonderful gifts and took the time to wish me a Happy Birthday! I love birthdays because I often find it's the people you least expect who wish you the happy returns and that makes it even better! I received some lovely gifts from my nearest and dearest, you never fail to provide me with fabulous presents so thank you!

Tomorrow at 9am I have a hospital appointment at the General Surgery clinic with a colon specialist in preparation for my excision surgery at the end of the year. I'll provide you all with an update tomorrow.

For now I am going to bed feeling grateful and loved.

Sleep well Warriors
A x


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