
Its been a busy but positive few days.

Friday was a productive and successful day, I managed to sort my mortgage and save myself some pennies. Plus I received a phone call which contained some feedback from work which was so positive and uplifting. I worry about my work sometimes and the impact this disease has on how I perform at my role, including the time I miss due to being unwell. So its a massive boost when I hear that people think I'm doing so well.

Saturday I woke up nervous because it was my first Endometriosis UK Support Group. The idea of walking into a place where I don't know anyone is always daunting but I promised myself I would make the effort to attend. Well, I don't know what I was worried about! Everyone was really lovely and I'm looking forward to the next meeting already. The only problem was I had to leave halfway through because typically my little Pebbles got ill and needed to be taken straight to the vets! £95 and over an hour in the waiting room later, we were able to take her home for an afternoon of cuddles on the sofa.

Sunday was another busy day. I drove Bex and I to the Grand Designs Live show at the Excel in London. We met up with my parents and G'ma which was lovely. It was great to be out and getting inspired for future ideas. I'll build my own house one day, yes I will!!

And that brings me to today, Monday. Having a day chilling on the sofa before heading to Ipswich for dinner and to see The Shires at the Regent. More family time. Perfect.

All in all, a great few days. Long may it continue.

I hope you all had a pain free weekend and that May is kind to you.

A x


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