Lazy few days

Its been a quiet few days after my birthday craziness. Thursday after my hospital appointment, Bex and I headed into London to see John Mayer at the O2. It was a good night but I was still struggling a lot with pain after my birthday meal on Wednesday. It was also a late night which I have paid for since. So the last couple of days has involved a lot of sofa time and relaxing at home.

After having the reaction to the steak the other night, I am more motivated than ever to get my diet back on track to help ease the pain. I have been eating plenty of veg and avoiding anything I know is going to make my flare any worse than it has been. Luckily, the pain has eased up now, although I'm still bloated.

Its my first full week at work this week, since the beginning of April. I've been using holiday up and now the new holiday year has begun so its time to knuckle down and push on with my project. Hopefully my body will allow me to do that.

Still no movement on my operation date and I'm guessing the latest hacking at Colchester Hospital will delay this further. Clearly whoever carried out that pathetic act has never relied on the NHS themselves! Fingers crossed they get back up and running as normal ASAP.

Anyhow, time for more sofa surfing and TV catch up! Take care...

A x


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